Unleash kids’ learning potential
Clinically validated tools for diagnosing and treating learning disabilities
A captivating video game experience that supports teachers, parents and experts by delivering clinically-validated tools for kids

We believe that supporting schools with innovative screening tools for early identification of learning disabilities can set struggling students on a path of success.
Oppimi helps doctors by providing a high performance evaluating scale, clinically validated, that increases the diagnostic accuracy and drastically reduces the time dedicated to calculations and reports.
Practice is the key to success. At Oppimi we are reshaping the approach to the assessments by providing immersive data-driven mini games, clinically tested, for helping kids to improve their skills.
Parents involvement during COVID-19
The pandemic added more challenges to the parents to support their children affected by learning disabilities, or are they ?Remote schooling is a big challenge to keep the children up to pace with home work and involvement into their studies.Also how they can support the social bond with the rest of the class. Being affected […]
Learning disabilities awareness month
By Elisa Calgaro / November 20, 2019 October was the learning disabilities awareness month. Too often, children with learning and attention issues are defined by their limitations rather than their strengths. Approximately about 20% of the total public school population is identified as having a learning disability (LD) or attention issues (src. NCLD.org). Despite the […]
New Collaborator
We are very happy to announce that Ehsan Dereyati is joining our team. Ehsan is going to support Oppimi in strategic management. His experience will be a great asset for us. Welcome onboard Ehsan! About Ehsan: Ehsan Derayati (Ph.D., MBA, BEng.) is an experienced strategic management expert and a professor in strategic management at Concordia […]